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Dr. Slim Immune Formula

$ 0.00

A great delicious combination of:


To help your body stay healthy & strong, this wonder-product represents several essential ingredients in one bottle, formulated by our team of professionals for your health. It’s a delicious combination of just about everything you need to look and feel great!

Some studies have shown CoQ10 helps the immune system and brain function. Coenzyme Q (CoQ), also known as ubiquinone, is a naturally occurring substance classified as a fat-soluble quinone with characteristics that are common to vitamins. Coenzyme Q is one of the substances in the chain of reactions which produces energy in the metabolism of food. Because of the necessity of CoQ for energy production, almost every cell of a living organism contains CoQ. It helps drive the mitochondrial energy production vital to all body functions. The functioning of all organs depends on each cell having adequate levels of CoQ to provide life-sustaining energy. Vitamin and nutritional deficiencies are well known to be common causes of immuno-deficiencies. Persons having nutritional and vitamin deficiencies have impaired cell-mediated immunity, as well as decreased microbicidal activity of immune cells and increased susceptibility to infections. Being vitally important to the generation of cellular energy, it is not surprising that deficiencies of CoQ10 result in suppression of the immune system. However, the result of supplement CoQ10 is quite provocative, as it produces a significant enhancement of the immune system in both normal and immuno-depressed animals. Coenzyme Q10 is required for any cell in your body to produce energy, helping to finish the final steps ATP synthesis (ATP is cellular energy). Your immune system requires a tremendous amount of ATP to aggressively mount a defense against any invader. Your body cannot substitute something else for Q10. This means that if you don’t have enough Q10, then your energy production and an efficient immune response will be reduced accordingly.

While your liver can synthesize Q10, it declines with age. Early studies with mice showed that immune depression was associated with an atrophied thymus gland and lack of Q10 during aging. Q10 showed it could help reverse the atrophy of the thymus gland associated with aging, a finding that was linked to a better immune response. Your thymus gland is a primary gland of your lymph system and the key school your immune cells go to for training. Another mouse study showed that pretreatment with Q10 could reduce to severity of experimentally induced viral infection of the heart.

There are a number of human studies that demonstrate the immune support properties of Q10. One study involved a group of elderly Italians. It found that poor natural killer cell function was associated with a lack of Q10 and vitamin E (Q10 and vitamin E work synergistically). Natural killer cells are part of your front line troops (inmate immunity) that are needed to knock out cells that have been infected by a virus; so a strong liver is needed for good health and a strong immune system. The liver is our largest internal organ, weighing in at around 3 pounds (1.5kg), as it plays a main role in keeping all of our body’s systems in balance. The herb milk thistle has been used for many centuries as a powerful way to protect, strengthen and revitalize the liver.

The liver is a multitasking organ. Just some of the many liver functions include filtering and purifying the blood, producing bile for proper fat digestion, storing numerous vitamins and minerals, breaking down excess hormones, and removing microbes and parasites from the bloodstream.

A healthy liver also provides significant protection from the pollutants,toxins and other harmful chemicals we are expose to on a daily basis. Unfortunately, common diet and lifestyle choices hinder the liver’s ability to protect us. Processed foods, refined sweeteners, pesticides on produce, artificial hormones in meat, caustic cleaning products, and toxins in body care products all play a roll in creating liver dysfunction. Soe early symptoms of a sluggish liver can include a weakened immune system, very low energy levels, digestive problems, elevated LDL cholesterol, high triglycerides, cellulite, poor skin and hair, and inability to lose weight.

Milk Thistle protects the liver, improves its function, and enhances its ability to regenerate. This herb has been used to successfully treat liver disease, liver cirrhosis and liver inflammation. Milk thistle also repairs our liver from the harmful effects of alcohol, prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, and other toxic substance. The active ingredient in milk thistle is silymarin, which is isolated from the seed of the herb. Silymarin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that rival those vitamin C and vitamin E, and quality milk thistle supplement contain 70-80% silymarin. Besides milk thistle , other ways to support healthy liver function include eating organic, whole foods, drinking plenty of purified water, and using natural cleaning and body care products. A healthy liver plays a critical part in good health and a strong immune system. Zinc helps maintain a healthy immune system. Zinc is an essential mineral that is found in every cell in our body. It stimulates the activity of about 100 enzymes, substance that promote biochemical reactions in your body. Zinc deficiency most often happens when its intake is inadequate or it is poorly absorbed, when there are increases losses of zinc from the body, or when the body’s requirement for zinc increases. Zinc deficiency manifests as growth retardation, hair loss, diarrhea, delayed sexual maturation and impotence, eye and skin lesions and loss of appetite. Necessary amount of zinc can be found in a high-quality liquid multivitamin. Zinc supplements help in decreasing the severity and duration of colds and other mild illnesses. It reduces the amount of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which aggravate the body during colds or other infections. Also, zinc’s ability to stimulate white blood cell activity makes it ideal for reducing colds and infections.


  • Great taste
  • Many products in one bottle
  • No need to swallow several pills
  • Made in USA
  • Contains 0 calories
  • Deliciously flavored to consume alone or mix with water, juice or smoothies